What is the worst presentation or PowerPoint you have experienced? The worst presentation I have experience was myself after hours after school. I was a freshman. I am a big critic and fan of myself so I will provide much detail. I remember reading the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens/People by Stephen Covey. I made a brief PowerPoint of the material I had read. I know I have had the perfect PowerPoint until one day staff members at my school said I am going to present the PowerPoint on such a short notice. I was unprepared and did not practice at all. I went to Saint Martin de Porres HS in Cleveland, OH. It was a Catholic-Charter school that had a CWSP. CWSP was a Corporate Work Study Program that was a program to help student work once a week but five times a month to help pay for our tuition high school. Before I delivered my presentation, I attempted to go over as much material as I could before I had to present. It was finals week. I had to maintain a great balance with great responsibility at that time. There were about seven staff members from my school and about four workers from different corporate employers. I felt nervous. Going in I tried to get my voice level correct and make sure I was heard clearly. I had a bad habit of reading of the screen instead of presenting the PowerPoint I made. I knew I was unprepared and it was only my fault. I know I did not completely memorize my presentation in such a short notice. My only chance of making it a okay presentation was by reading each slide of my PowerPoint and attempting to explain it. I barely gave eye contact with my audience. This gave a negative persona to those in the room. I do not like failing. I have learned over the years, failing helps you succeed. It was a great learning experience for me and a good motivator to help me stay prepared no matter the circumstance.

-Steven D. Jackson


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