Posts Tagged ‘LeBron James’

Do you know what it feels like to breathe?

Imagine yourself not breathing. It would not be a pleasant experience.

Sometimes, we all get caught up in other people’s lives and not being in control of our own life. Each of us, as individuals, we need space, peace, and a moment of clarity at a certain degree in life. A time for this may pop-up at any time of day, multiple times. 

I never met the man named Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, but we share similar ideas when it comes to your individuality and business. Read the following quote, if my model is not word for word from Steve Jobs, then I do not know what is.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

– Steve Jobs



By Andrea Rurali December 29th 2014


Steven D. Jackson’s Three Steps

  1. Locate your inner voice. Use your inner voice to help you become what you actually would love to. Follow your heart and intuitions. This is number one; top proitity!
  2. Time is limited. Figure out what is second to you (and possibly third) everything else you could discard. You do not want to be wasting your time in something you do not want to partake in. In this category options should be favorite hobbies, sports, working out, cooking, teaching, learning, volunteering, writing, reading, and such other positive things.
  3. Remember why you started. Continue to practice on your craft or business to broaden your skills. This will pay off in the long run. Remember the why first, then what and how second and third. Give others a hand.

September 8th, 2015      Tuesday 9:05 AM


For all Kindle readers

Checkout my latest Novel Once Upon a Time on

Once Upon A Time by Steven D. Jackson (Kindle)


Once Upon A Time By Steven D. Jackson (softcover)



Is therapy really beneficial?

I believe therapy could be someone in a mind state that they were not even in before. It could worsen what one person may see in someone else rather than better. In some cases, there are people out there that do need help. Sometimes it is as simply as having someone to talk to. I personally felt like a therapist in high school helping everyone with their problems. I knew several of my classmates that need group therapy and behavioral therapy. I reason to say too many people do what they see instead of interpreting it before they think then acting. This is why anyone who need therapy actually.

-Steven D. Jackson
Please Visit SDJ Books official website for more information.


“Social networks make it nearly impossible to experience intimacy with another human being”.

Technology changed the way we communicate today. Nearly the majority of the population interact with each other through a camera.We see a picture, or a video, or Skype and/or Facetime of the person we are not physically communicating with. I believe if you could capture the same experience through social networks, cellular phones, cameras, online, etc. many people would not rarely meet up physically. The virtual world is the new world, it consumes a good chunk of everyone’s reality.

-Steven D. Jackson